
Dr Adam Chong
Lab DirectorPhonological acquisition and processing, prosody and intonational phonology, speech perception

Dr Rémi Lamarque
Linguistics Labs ManagerRule emergence, productivity, and convergence in morphology/phonology

Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliott
Sociolinguistics, sociophonetics, language change, language acquisition.

Dr Kathleen McCarthy
Early phonological acquisition, first and second language acquisition, speech perception and production, bilingualism, acoustic-phonetics

Dr Elisa Passoni
Postdoctoral Research Associate, GLE grantJapanese-English bilingualism, L1 attrition, L2 acquisition, pitch, prosody, sociophonetics, gender

Prof Devyani Sharma
Sociolinguistics, bilingualism, English dialects, language change, accent variation

Chiara Ardoino
PhD StudentLanguage variation and contact-induced change; language ideology and coherence; Martinican French and Creole

Marc Barnard
PhD StudentSociolinguistics, sociophonetics, perception, production, dialects of French

Scott Kunkel
PhD StudentSpeech perception, phonetic variation, bidialectalism, language attitudes, dialects of French

Sora (Heng) Yin
PhD StudentResearch interests: Phonological acquisition, lexical acquisition, language variation and change, speech perception

Daniel Price
Undergraduate Research AssistantStudent Research Bursary Recipient

Francesca Ziegler
Undergraduate Research AssistantStudent Research Bursary Recipient

Melissa Chia
Research AssistantBA-SRG Funded Research Assistant (Singapore)

Adelle Lee
Research AssistantBA-SRG Funded Research Assistant (Singapore)

Wesley Lincoln
Research AssistantBA-SRG Funded Research Assistant (Singapore)

Dr Esther de Leeuw
Former Lab DirectorMultilingualism, bilingualism, L1 attrition, L2 acquisition, phonetics, phonology

Dr. Scott Lewis
PhD Studentultrasound, phonetic drift, bidialectalism, longitudinal studies, AAA software, R, Praat

Dr Elisa Passoni
Postdoctoral Research Associate, GLE grantJapanese-English bilingualism, L1 attrition, L2 acquisition, pitch, prosody, sociophonetics, gender

Dr Nathan Young
Lecturer, Stockholm Uni. / Post-doc. Fellow, Uni. of OsloForced alignment, multiethnolect, prosody, sociophonetics, Swedish

Dr Rosie Oxbury
Data Scientist, Food Standards Agency UKSociophonetics, language variation and change, speech production, bilingualism, dialect acquisition, vowels & diphthongs

Dr Karen Beaman
Post-doc. Fellow, U. TübingenSociolinguistic variation and language change, sociophonetic and morphosyntactic focus, lectal coherence, German dialectology (Swabian)

Dr. Matthew Hunt
Lecturer in Linguistics, University of SouthamptonCollaborators

Linguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, dysphasia, neurolinguistics

Psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, event-related brain potentials (ERPs), speech and music processing

Morpho-syntax, morpho-semantics

bilingualism, music cognition, psycholinguistics, emotional representation in bilinguals

Albanian, syntax, prosody, speech perception, speech production, language acquisition

Sociolinguistics, gender & sexuality, language style, indexicality, social cognition, intersectionality, Israel, South Africa

Vocal imitation and analysis, query by vocalisation, audio signal processing, machine learning, statistical modelling

Formal and experimental semantics and pragmatics, psycholinguistics, first and second language acquisition

music cognition, statistical learning, prediction, empirical aesthetics

perception, attitudes, accent stereotyping, and persuasive communication, PsychoPy, R

Phonetics, phonology, tones
Former Visitors

Cognitive contributions to speech-in-noise perception; vocal trait judgements; speech rhythm

Spanish, L1 attrition, speech perception, speech production, bilingualism

Ultrasound tongue imaging, phonetics, phonology, variationist sociolinguistics and quantitative methods